Community collaboration at Cae Doctor, Bangor

Ysgol Pendalar students support Community Garden in Bangor


Cae Doctor Volunteers including Ysgol Pendalar Students

"We are proud to be able to work with Ysgol Pendalar at Cae Doctor", says local councilor Elin Walker Jones following a recent visit by a group of students from the school to the site.

Cae Doctor is a community garden near Maestryfan, Bangor. Back in 2021, the site was a derelict piece of land, where dogs roamed, and the place was full of rubbish, drug paraphernalia and overgrowth. It is now a special garden that has been developed by the local community.

A Welsh Government grant was secured through Anglesey and Menai to transform the garden into the lovely spot it is today. Local residents originally came together to express concerns about the condition of the playground equipment, and Grŵp Cymunedol Maestryfan Community Group (GCMCG) was established. The Group has gone from strength to strength, securing new equipment for the playing field, transforming Cae Doctor and organizing regular events as well as providing practical support to local residents when needed.

They thank the late Rosie Frankland for supporting the plan to create the garden. Rosie worked for Mon a Menai, and was responsible for supporting the schemes that were lucky enough to win a grant from the Scheme. It is an accessible garden with high raised beds and paths that are suitable for wheelchair users, and includes elements of a wild garden to support local biodiversity. Following hard work by the local community, Cae Doctor officially opened in 2024.

The local councillor, Cllr. Elin Walker Jones, has been part of the journey from the start, and was particularly pleased to see the pupils of Ysgol Pendalar playing a role in this special community project.

Elin says “I'm so proud of the collaboration. This shows the benefits that come from working together on a community project. It is an opportunity for the young people to gain work experience outside of school, and our garden benefits from their contribution. The intention is to hold these sessions once a month, with the pupils working towards their Duke of Edinburgh award.

"The students brought a cherry tree with them, and they planted the tree that morning in the garden in memory of Rosie. We are very grateful to Rosie, and also to the pupils and staff of Ysgol Pendalar. A gardening club works in the garden regularly, and anyone is welcome to join us, to get a taste of being in the fresh air, and keep the garden looking great!"

Acting at a community level is core to Plaid Cymru's values. By taking action at community level, we can make a big difference.

"A big thank you to the crew for coming along" says Elin "it's a privilege to be able to spend time in the company of such wonderful young people, and the fact that we can do that while also contributing to our community is fantastic!"


Young volunteer works hard in the garden

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  • Catrin Wager
    published this page in News 2024-12-19 13:21:17 +0000

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